

为了在LOL外围下注(ECTI)现场注册, 现场研讨会, 您必须阅读并同意以下条款. 您的同意和同意以您参加研讨会或活动的注册证明, 尽管ECTI, 由其选择, 可以要求您根据另一份文件重申您的同意和同意吗. 请列印本保单条款,以备阁下存档.



Participants receive training materials that contain annotated copies of the slides used by the instructors. 包括案例研究. 在整个演讲过程中欢迎提问. Instructors will be available before and after the presentations to discuss specific questions or issues. 每位参加者在完成研讨会后将获发证书, 并且可能被视为, 检索, 印刷, 等.,来自ECTI在线学院 学院.sh-fyz.com.


着装要求是商务休闲装. 与会者应准时到达研讨会, 每次休息后, 直到研讨会结束. 严禁录像和录音. Unauthorized recording and distribution of materials will lead to immediate dismissal from the seminar and subject the attendee to additional legal action. All seminar participants are expected to conduct themselves with professional decorum and dignity. 睡觉, 阅读报纸, 听音乐, 上网冲浪, or engaging in other disruptive or distracting activities during class hours is unacceptable behavior. Only the registrant is permitted to attend the seminar; no children (regardless of age) or other family members who are not also registrants are allowed to attend any portion of the seminar, 包括, 但不限于, 任何餐费都包含在研讨会计划中.


所有讲座均需预先付款, 在注册时通过信用卡支付, 或通过发票. Please note that your registration is subject to cancellation if payment in advance is not received. 在极少数情况下,ECTI可以在门口接受登记. 在这种情况下, LOL外围下注将尽一切努力使手头有足够的材料, 但是LOL外围下注首先会把材料分发给预先登记参加研讨会的人.


清淡的早餐, 饮料, 每天将提供小吃和午餐, 现场研讨会. 可以满足特殊的饮食要求. 请将您的请求发送到 jessica@sh-fyz.com 不迟于研讨会前3周.


LOL外围下注的研讨会在几个州被批准为CLE学分. 详情可在 在这里.


Refunds are available up to 30 days prior to the seminar date, minus a cancellation fee of $250. 在此截止日期之后,将不予退款. 然而, 可提供相当于已付学费80%的学分券, which can be used toward any LOL外围下注 offering within a 12-month period.

请注意,部分出席不符合部分退款资格. 另外, 错过的讲座将不予退款或信用券, and no seminar materials will be provided to registrants who fail to attend without cancelling their registration.


由于报名人数过少,ECTI保留取消全部或部分研讨会的权利, 意外的旅行困难, 紧急指导员不在, 或者其他原因. 根据特殊情况,指导员可能会有所改变. ECTI保留修改课程材料的权利和唯一决定权, 主题, 以及讨论主题的顺序.


Transfers to another equivalent seminar are allowed with no penalty up to 30 days prior to the registered seminar. Transfers are allowed after that date, but a transfer fee of 20% of paid tuition will apply.


住宿费不包括在学费里. To book the hotel, please see instructions on the seminar location web page or contact us. Hotel rooms are available on a first-come/first-served basis and ECTI accepts no responsibility for participant guest room availability.


Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability / Safety Acknowledgment Relating to COVID-19 and other Infectious Diseases

在现场, 现场讲座或其他现场直播, in-person event(s) conducted or sponsored by ECTI for which you have registered and will be attending (individually, 并统称为“事件”, “事件”), LOL外围下注将严格遵守安全和健康协议, 比如戴口罩, 社会距离, 频繁的消毒, 以及有限的房间容量. 与会者必须同意遵守CDC COVID-19指南和所有COVID-19订单, 规则, 以及适用的州和地方政府的指导方针. 出席活动, 您必须接受此风险承担及责任豁免表格(“豁免”). 一旦您接受此免责声明,它将适用于所有未来的活动. 注意: This Waiver applies to all claims described in the “Release and Waiver” portion of this Waiver arising out of your participation or 出席 an 事件, now or in the future and is not limited to claims relating to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases.


鉴于我出席了这次活动, 我确认并同意点击“接受”, 或通过注册活动, 或参加活动.


我释放, 放弃, 并永远免除一切责任, 索赔, 以及任何形式或性质的要求, 公司. 及其附属合作伙伴和赞助商, 包括在每种情况下, 但不限于, 他们的董事, 军官, 员工, 志愿者, 代理人(“被释放方”), 法律上的或衡平法上的, 在法律允许的最大范围内, 包括但不限于因过失造成的损害或损失, 被释放方的任何过错或行为, 包括但不限于死亡, 身体伤害, 疾病, 经济损失或现金支出, 或财产的损失或损坏, 是我还是我的继承人, 因此可, 近亲及/或法定委任或指定的代表, 可以拥有或以下哪些可以代表我产生, 因我参加或出席该活动而产生或以后可能产生的问题.



  1.     Attendance and participation at the 事件 includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases 包括 但不限于 COVID-19. 而特定的规则和个人纪律可能会减少这种风险, 严重疾病和死亡的风险确实存在;
  2.     本人在知情的情况下自愿承担所有与疾病和传染病有关的风险, 例如COVID-19, even if arising from the negligence or fault of the Released Parties; and
  3.     我明知有受伤的危险, 与事件相关的伤害和损失, 包括任何伤害, 过失造成的损害和损失, 被释放方的任何过错或行为.


本人明白参加活动可能带来健康风险, 包括但不限于短暂的头晕, 头晕, 晕倒, 恶心想吐, 肌肉抽筋, 肌肉骨骼损伤, 关节痛, 扭伤和拉伤, 心脏病, 中风, 或者猝死. 我同意,如果我在活动期间遇到任何这些或任何其他症状, 我将立即停止参与并寻求适当的医疗照顾. 我释放 AND FOREVER DISCHARGE THE RELEASED PARTIES FROM ANY CLAIM WHATSOEVER WHICH ARISES OR MAY HEREAFTER ARISE ON ACCOUNT OF ANY FIRST AID, 治疗, 或与我参加活动有关的服务.

我承认我的参与, involvement and/or 出席 the 事件 is voluntary and may result in personal injury (包括 death) and/or 财产损失. 通过参加, 观察或参与活动, I acknowledge and assume all risks and dangers associated with my participation and/or 出席 the 事件, 我同意:(a) ECTI, 公司., (b)活动的财产或场地所有者, (c)都过去了, 现在和将来的附属公司, 继任者, 分配, 员工, 志愿者, 供应商, 合作伙伴, 董事, 和军官, 这样的实体, 不负责任何人身伤害(包括死亡), 财产损失, 或者其他因我参与, 出席, 及/或观察事件, regardless if any such injuries or losses are caused by the negligence of any of the Released Parties (collectively, “已公布权利要求书”). 通过出席和/或参与活动, I HAVE GIVEN A FULL RELEASE OF LIABILITY TO THE RELEASED PARTIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.


在参加活动时, 必须实行“保持社会距离”, 并随时佩戴面罩,以减少接触COVID-19的风险. Because COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, ECTI, 公司. 是否采取了预防措施来减少COVID-19的传播. 然而,ECTI公司. 不能保证其参会者, 志愿者, 合作伙伴, 或其他出席者不会感染COVID-19.

鉴于2019冠状病毒病持续蔓延, 属于以下任何类别的人士不应参加活动. 通过参加 the 事件, I certify that I do not fall into any of the following categories:

  1.     Individuals who currently or within the past fourteen (14) days have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, 包括发烧, 咳嗽, 呼吸短促;
  2.     Individuals who have traveled at any point in the past fourteen (14) days either internationally or to a community in the U.S. that has experienced or is experiencing sustained community spread of COVID-19; or 
  3.     Individuals who believe that they may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for their treatment.


I agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever, 咳嗽, 呼吸短促)和, 接触ECTI, 公司.如果在前往ECTI, 公司 .后的14天内出现COVID-19症状. 事件.

I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire Waiver of Liability and Release of Claims and COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgment. 


I understand I have given up substantial rights by accepting this Waiver freely and voluntarily without any inducement, 保证, 或者向我保证, and intend my acceptance to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. I further agree that if any term or provision of this Waiver is determined to be invalid, 在任何司法管辖区都是非法的或不可执行的, 这样的无效, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Waiver or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction, and any court of competent jurisdiction is 在这里by empowered and authorized to modify this Waiver so as to effect the original intent of this Waiver and render it enforceable to the fullest scope and extent permitted by law.